Green Roofing For Commercial Buildings


Vegetative roofs are literally “Green Roofs,” with plenty of aesthetically pleasing rooftop vegetation. Vegetative roofs provide protection to the underlying waterproofing system and add insulation against exterior heat, cold, and sound.

Green Roofing is when plants are installed over the weatherproofing layer on a commercial roof. This could be in conjunction with pathways and areas for people, or it could just be an environmental/sustainable push from a company.

Because the vegetative roof system used by Placke Restoration Contractors is modular, there is always easy access to roof surfaces for inspection, maintenance, and repair.


Green Roof Installation

If a facility is able to have a vegetative roof installed, it means that the substrate is strong and probably made of concrete. If not, the substrate needs to be reinforced to handle the weight and traffic of the green roof.

Depending upon plant selection and desired landscaping designs, systems are available from 11 pounds per square foot to 44 pounds per square foot to accommodate roofing architectures and structures. Modular, pre-planted designs are delivered to the building site ready to install. Our Crane/Hoisting Service capabilities enable us to lift each component to the roof for assembly.

A tray system is a rather easy way to bring vegetation to your facility roof. The plants, or other vegetation, are planted in lightweight trays that are brought up to the roof. These tray systems can be interconnecting and specialized edges, along with growing plants, can conceal the trays to create a seamless look.

Advantages of modular tray systems:

  • Maximum stormwater management with trays designed to capture waterfall

  • Easy installation

  • Plants can be grown before installation

Green Roof Benefits

There are many reasons that building owner would choose to install vegetative roofing on their facility. Whether you are renting out space in your building or you own your building, installing a vegetative roof could bring in more money through higher prices or increased productivity.

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  • Reduced energy costs and urban heat island effect

  • Expanded usable space

  • Storm water management

  • Sound insulation

  • Employee wellness and satisfaction

  • Extended roof life

  • Added building value and aesthetics