Moisture Assessments


Infrared Moisture Surveys

Infrared Moisture Surveys provide an economical way to identify specific areas of wet insulation and moisture present in the existing roof system. Wet areas in the roof hold heat and the infrared camera produces images of these temperature differences.

Our survey results will help determine if your facility needs a total roof replacement or if your facility roof can be repaired in the damaged areas. Infrared moisture surveys are an integral part of delivering the best quality roof at a fair price.

Capacitance Moisture Surveys

Low-frequency signals from a capacitance meter identify sub-surface moisture by conducting electricity. These surveys are sometimes used to cross-check and verify findings of an infrared moisture survey. These surveys save building owners unnecessary expense in removing roof assemblies that do not need to be removed.



Moisture can be difficult to spot and the trick is to make the construction change temperature. Materials with moisture will then be clearly visible as they change temperature much slower than dry materials. Where other methods only measure the temperature in one spot, thermal imaging cameras can scan an entire area rapidly.

Water retains heat longer than the rest of the roofing material and can easily be detected with a thermal imaging camera very late in the evening or at night after the rest of the roof has cooled down.

Tremendous savings can be made by repairing wet areas rather than replacing the entire roof.
